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Control.Modal: Unobtrusive CSS Modal Windows and Lightboxes
Control.Modal is a light weight, unobtrusive JavaScript library for creating modal windows and lightboxes using HTML that is already on the pag
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When those without the internet get it, will they get it?
Most of us have just gotten comfortable designing for "the web" & building for the variety of desktop browsers. Now the world wide web has evolved off the desktop and has gone mobile!
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Stripe Generator: Web 2.0 Go Faster Stripes
You gotta love the Web 2.0. Only now do you get gems such as the Stripe Generator
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Social Media Websites in Illustrated Form
Feast your eyes!, Reddit, Slashdot, and Digg in cartoon form.
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Inside Your Users’ Minds: The Cultural Probe
Theoretically, usability testing is a great way of finding out what is wrong with the products and services we design.
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New Issue: Strategies for Email Marketing and Freelancing
Digital Web Magazine has another stellar double issue this week, coming at you with two great new writers
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Pro CSS Techniques (Book review)
Once you've learned the basics of CSS you need some help to advance your skills to the next level.
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Cross-Browser Scripting with importNode()
Anthony Holdener explores the world of XML DOM support for web browsers and presents a new technique for cross-browser scripting.
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Ruining the User Experience
ALA technical editor Aaron Gustafson explains why progressive enhancement means good service.
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To Dance the Dance of Freelance
My best recommendation is to get involved in freelancing while you've still got the comfort of your full-time job.